What is ArtsinRichardson.com?

ArtsinRichardson.com is the leading online resource for Arts and Cultural information for Richardson, Texas. It offers the largest database of Richardson Arts and Cultural events, as well as additional listings of organizations, venues and public art.

We update ArtsinRichardson.com daily to give Richardson residents and visitors the latest information about performances, programs, exhibits and activities.

The website first launched to the public in April 2014.


Who is ArtsinRichardson.com?

ArtsinRichrdson.com is a project of the Richardson Cultural Arts Commission. The Richardson Cultural Arts Commission seeks to advance the nonprofit arts industry within Richardson, thus contributing to enhance the community’s quality of life.


Why ArtsinRichardson.com?

It’s simple. ArtsinRichardson.com wants YOU to know more about the arts in Richardson. We want you to get out and see a show, visit an exhibit, take your family or friends to a festival… basically, just get out there and discover all the amazing things happening throughout our community!

And if you’re a visitor, we hope you’ll find plenty of reasons to visit Richardson and find out why it is such a great place to live.

We hope to inspire participation in Richardson’s wide variety of events and activities by providing you with comprehensive information about what to do and where to go for unique cultural experiences. Our goal is to make art an important part of every day, and we hope this site will help you as you seek to explore art exhibit, enjoy a performance or create a work of art of your own.

Please visit ArtinRichardson.com for more information about the hundreds of opportunities and cultural experiences made possible by the work of Richardson Cultural Arts Commission.

Welcome to ArtsinRichardson!

This website allows visitors to learn about the many arts events going on in Richardson in a single place. We expect Richardson residents will find ArtsinRichardson.com to be a valuable tool in planning local outings and supporting our many arts groups. Visitors will find out about the vibrant arts community in Richardson.