Texins Jazz Band

Texins Jazz Band

Music - Nonprofit

Website: https://texinsjazz.com/



The Texins Jazz Band is a full 18-piece big band based in DFW, TX. The band is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. From 1986-2019 the band operated as The Texas Instruments Jazz Band and was organized through the Texins Association (Dallas, Texas) of Texas Instruments. The Texins Association ceased operation in 2019 and the band became the Texins Jazz Band in 2020. The majority of band members have STEM based degrees and careers (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math).

The group formed in the summer of 1986, sparked by an ad placed in a TI company newspaper. The band quickly reached a sustainable level and has remained active since its inception. Almost everyone played in high school and/or college and is glad to have an outlet to continue to study and play jazz. The band rehearses every Tuesday night at Richland College in Dallas, Texas.